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You can actively support the development of the Hiller Manifest by joining a workshop. In a workshop new and existing statements at the choice of the participants will be discussed and introduced.


Hille, Germany
Language: English, German or Dutch.


Half day workshop:  Euro 50,– (incl. lunch and dinner)
Two day workshop: Euro 230,– (incl. breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Free pick up from and drop at Minden train station.

All food and non-alcoholic drinks as well as pick-up and drop from Minden train station are included. Not included are cost for accommodation for overnight stay. We can advise on this for all budgets.


Minimum 5, maximum 10 per workshop.

Alternatively you can organize your own workshop and invite Jos Langens to lead it (minimum of 5 participants).

Upcoming Workshops 2023

  • Jun 02, 2023, 1:30 PM – Jun 04, 2023, 1:30 PM
    Hille, Eickhorster Str. 6, 32479 Hille, Deutschland
    In the rustic and inspiring countryside of Hille (North Germany) we will share and discuss our ideas and suggestions with the aim to come to concrete contributions to the world as we want to see it.
  • May 19, 2023, 1:30 PM – May 21, 2023, 1:30 PM
    Hille, Eickhorster Str. 6, 32479 Hille, Deutschland
    In the rustic and inspiring countryside of Hille (North Germany) we will share and discuss our ideas and suggestions with the aim to come to concrete contributions to the world as we want to see it.
  • Apr 28, 2023, 1:30 PM – Apr 30, 2023, 12:30 PM
    Hille, Eickhorster Str. 6, 32479 Hille, Deutschland
    In the rustic and inspiring countryside of Hille (North Germany) we will share and discuss our ideas and suggestions with the aim to come to concrete contributions to the world as we want to see it.
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